Friday 18 April 2008

Et toi Alicia

Sometimes, it is good to be vocal about things one stands for but sometimes, strong consideration need to be given before one opens their mouth to say anything that will damage or cause discomfort to the general public. There are issues that need to be carefully thought of, especially issues such as race religion and sexuality before opening ones mouth to declare something that will be regretted later. Alicia did make one of those statements that ordinary wouldn’t have caused mayhem but the nature of it has raised a lot of criticisms. I for one can understand when she said she didn’t mean harm in what she said and her words were construed to mean what she actually didn’t mean and put in a manner in which she didn’t mean it to.

People are so quick to call her names. it makes me really laugh when people call mixed race people racists. How can one justify that? Can one hate anything that they are part of? I believe it is the racists that call mixed race people racists (whether black or white). It takes one to know one. Why must everything be about race in the first place?

Secondly, taking up her hilarious conspiracy theory about the US government creating gangsta rap as "a ploy to convince black people to kill each other"; made me really laugh and at the same time question my self. Well as a researcher, I seek to know where Gangsta rap originated from. I used to think it was from the black community (but maybe Alicia knows what I do not (LOL). Also, the black communities that take up guns, knives and kill themselves or others, are they fools? In the first place, when one allows themselves to be manipulated, the manipulator (if there is a word like that) becomes the smart one and the manipulated foolish for being manipulated.

It is the same story with Africa during slave trade and even now. Show them a mirror and their long throat gets longer in fact that is enough for them to sell all their naughty children. Doubt me, read Walter Rodney’s book and other researched works on slave trade. Many slaves were sold by their own families. Anyway, talking about greed, selfishness, hatred those are root causes of many problems in Africa. Today’s news shows how a ship loaded with weapons is heading for Zimbabwe. What are they going to do with that entire weapon? The answer is to kill one another. I believe the choice for development is right in front of us. But development is refused for some silly personal reasons. Mbeki said that Zimbabwe is perfectly ok and that there are no problems there. Hmnnnn lets take a look at the number of people dying of hunger, political violence etc. That is the attitude of African leaders, they watch their people suffer and die without dealing with the root cause of the problems. Some African government are simply not committed to helping its citizens or should we call that another conspiracy theory?


  1. May God save us. Thanx for droppin' by.

  2. May God save us. Thanx for droppin' by.

  3. Alicia, Alicia, She didn't have to do that. She's top of her game right now and handles her business well. She says she's been misquoted but the mag says they stand by their story.
    She even did a song in the past titled - Gangsta Loving feat Eve. She's way too intelligient for this kind of slip. Well, she's still lucky cos it's only 50cent who has waded in so far. Things might not be so good if folks like Nas start speaking
