Sunday 23 December 2018

You are not behind in life!

As another year ends and we begin to take stock of our lives, exhale and enjoy the moment. You are not behind in life!

Friday 23 November 2018

What say you my people? Can 'voluntary colonialism' stop migration from Africa to Europe?

I read this with great interest and want to look at it from several perspectives. 

To build or not to build?

German minister to Africa has proposed that foreign powers acquire land in Africa to curb migration to Europe.
“The European Union, or a body like the World Bank, should build and run cities in Africa in order to boost job creation and development on the continent” 

This will mean African countries leasing their land to a foreign body to "allow free development for 50 years", Mr Nooke said.

Without going into how insulting it is that the main purpose of this proposal is to stop Africans from migrating to Europe, I will focus on the possibility of this actually benefiting Africans. I do not know anyone who would prefer to leave their beloved land and go to another land if not for certain conditions like war and lack of economic opportunities. Africans love Africa and would stay if things were better.

In pursuant, who says that the only way to development is to modernise or follow the European way of development? It goes back to this imperialistic way of imposing a Westernised vision of development to Africans.  What Africans need is investments, big multinational and transnational organisations to pay their taxes, stop repatriating profits and invest in the continent, good governance etc. We have the manpower, the brainpower, the human and material resources, the willpower and can build our own version of developed cities.

However, will this idea help millions out of poverty or will it lead to another type of colonialism and worryingly, apartheid? Will it actually exclude the poor or benefit only the rich and elite?

Many African countries are going through economic difficulties, conflict and bad governance and the people absolutely in despair.  The number of those living in poverty has risen and for many, the only way out is to get out of the country. It was not long ago that the media showed devasting pictures of many Africans on their way to the Mediterranean sea being enslaved in Libya. For them, the way out is to head to Europe. The more I follow the news, the more I see despair and disappointment on the way things are in many African countries.  A continent blessed with abundance but yet, the people suffer. There is war, famine, high rate of unemployment and devastation in many of the countries.  Reports after reports show how depressing life has become for many. The case of Cameroun, Nigeria, Congo is heartbreaking. Countries rich in natural and human resources but yet poor. People want out of the suffering and will rather die in the Mediterranean sea than suffer in their country of origin, which should be their succour.

So my question is, who would benefit from this proposed cities, the West, the African elite or the masses?

Read more:

Friday 14 September 2018

Rest in peace Michael Obi Madubuko!

Today is the anniversary of my dad's departure from the living. He would have been 73! 
I remember him saying before he died that he did not want us to forget him. Daddy, there is no way we will ever forget you. You live in us and we remember you and will always do! Continue to rest in peace!

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Cold morning

I woke up this morning, looked outside and it was grey and cold. I had initially organised my outfit of the day- a dress but upon seeing and feeling how cold it is, I changed my outfit to a pair of trousers and a top. I am definitely going to miss the sunshine and the heat. 

Friday 10 August 2018

Why are these words still being used today?

Swirling and BedWench?

I first came across these words - Swirling and Bed wench, a few months ago. It was in the comment section of a new reality show on Nigerian TV depicting the lives of Nigerian women married to white men.  Some of the comments were just vile!  I started coming across these terms used in a derisive manner on women in interracial relationships. Youtube comment sections were not exempt from the use of these terms. I got from the way the words were used that they were derisive and derogatory, so I went searching for the meaning of these words.

The dictionary definition of Swirling did not fully give me the meaning in the context the word was used. To swirl means to move in a twisting or spiralling pattern. The dictionary definition was missing the premise of which the term was being used. However, I came across this website, which had a definition closer to the context the words were used. Apparently, it is a term used within the Black Community to label a relationship between two partners from different ethnicities and/or nationalities. "The most common use of the term is attributed to a woman who is 'African American' or Black and in a relationship with a person that is white". 

According to the urban dictionary, a 'BedWench', or bed warmer was a slave woman whose job was to sleep in their slave master's bed, keeping it 'warm' so that when the slave-master was ready to have sex with them, they would be readily available. During the epoch of slavery, many of these women did not have the choice or power to refuse their masters. It was hard to understand how and why this dehumanizing term is still being used on women today. 

As I was searching for the etymology of these terms, I came across a plethora of Youtube channels featuring interracial couples and some of the comments left on the channels were just vile. Some comments were quite enlightening though and I came across a whole world of information. I was amazed to find out that there is a whole community out there of pro and anti-swirling movements.  However, there were some comments that stood out to me and I would like to highlight some of them here.  The first is the justification for swirling and bed wenching. Some commented that Black women swirl because they are running away from their 'Blackness' and think that proximity to whiteness was going to put them in a place of privilege. Some stated that their anger was not in the 'swirling' itself but due to the fact that some of these women take on the position of the white supremacist and begin to talk down on Black men. According to some comments, these women are 'swirling' to take on the position of power. Some argued that it was due to 'self-hate' that Black women swirl and that they have been 'brainwashed' into thinking that white is better. Others commented that some of these Black women put white men on a pedestal. Is this really the case?

Another surprising thing I noticed from the comments was the friction between Black Americans and Africans! I was indeed shocked to discover that some Black Americans think that Africans look down on them. Again, I don't fully understand the American context of race issues but I would have thought that there was some kind of kinship and solidarity in terms of understanding the common issues we as Black people face and fight for. As a woman of African heritage, I do not see myself better than anyone. I understand the struggles! But perhaps there is some truth in this. Is it true that Africans believe that they are superior to Black Americans? 

Another line of thought pertained to, 'if you are not marrying Black and procreating Black, then you are not pro-Black and cannot speak for the movement'. Does this mean that one cannot be pro-Black and be in an interracial relationship? Black people in interracial relationships still go through structural and institutional racism no matter who their partner is. They still have to deal with racism and discrimination. Their non-Black partner does not automatically absolve them from racism. Some of these women are outspoken about these issues and use their platform to highlight them. Does it mean that they are not pro-Black, just because their partner is non-Black? One comment especially intrigued me. "You cannot sleep with the enemy and be pro-Black". One comment mentioned that it was hypocritical of women with non-Black partners to speak for the movement. What does it mean to be pro-Black? This question is worth answering. 

Let me know your thoughts on this. 


Thursday 9 August 2018

From east London to the City: How door knocking changed this boy's life

This story just made my morning! It is always great to see a Black person thrive and succeed. There are so many barriers that impede Black people from entering the job market and securing a good job. What this couple has done for this young boy is just remarkable. Now, Reggie Nelson is giving back to his community. What a bright young man to think outside the box. In his case, it worked out for good.

Follow this link to watch.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Put yourself first!

When all those negative talks come crashing into your thoughts and you begin to shrink and talk down to yourself, how you are of no good, how nothing good comes to you, how everyone hates you, how you are a failure and how you want to end it all and give up, remember to shut that voice down!

No matter what has happened in your life, you are beautiful, you are worth loving, you are worth living, you are brilliant!

Sometimes, the most critical person we have around us is not the horrible manager, the office bully, the competitive man or woman around us. Sometimes, the person that does the most damage to yourself is you!

Learn to replace these horrible thoughts with positive ones. Learn to love yourself, learn to forgive yourself no matter how many times you fail, fall, lose control and want to give up.

You owe it to yourself to be happy and live in the fullness of life!

Good morning!

Thursday 28 June 2018

You are on track!


I am used to being excluded that it does not really bother me anymore being excluded or being the 'other'. Life has taught me a lot and I am used to people, usually insecure people, getting together in cliques and 'othering' those they see as competitors. When someone feels threatened by you, they get together with those with a similar predilection and begin to 'find faults' in all you do, even your breathing is scrutinised and manipulated as a 'cardinal sin'.

I am thinking of writing a book on surviving the brutal world of working as a black African woman.

Michael Obi Madubuko

Michael Obi Madubuko, an erudite, highly educated and fearless man, was a dedicated and well-accomplished man. He was dedicated to whatever he did and excelled in all that he did. He passed away in 2004 but his legacies still live. He was yesterday given an award of excellence 14 years after his death. Congratulations Dad! I am super proud of you! This indeed brings joy to my heart! Even in death, your achievements and successes are still remembered and acknowledged. Continue to rest in peace.

Michael Obi Madubuko's award

Sunday 24 June 2018

It is well with my soul!

I love the words to the song, ‘it is well with my soul’. There are times when the soul is troubled and nothing makes any sense and life just does not seem worth living. I hold on to the words, ‘It is well with my soul’.

It is the only way to stay alive!

If you are going through a dark time now and surrounded by darkness, speak to your soul, 'It is well with you'. Do not give up now!


Friday 22 June 2018

Go Nigeria!

Nigeria 2 
Iceland 0

Last week, the pundits on ITV slew the Nigerian players. It felt like they had personal issues with the country and the players. I was so angry watching the match on ITV. Today, I watched the match on BBC. The pundits were so professional and analysed the match fairly. Nigeria played better today. 

Moral of the story, in life, no matter how you try, some people will never have any positive thing to say about you. They will criticise, belittle, exclude and write you off. Your role is never to give up! Keep doing your thing and one day, you will win!

Saturday 16 June 2018

Nigeria v Croatia

Croatia beat Nigeria 2-0. I am so disappointed! In fact, I am heartbroken! I shouldn't be watching football. I will need to take few days to heal!


Walk, explore and experience London.

Entry post. Life as an immigrant!

Hello everyone. It has been sometime since I last blogged. I am back now.

Here is a post sent to me by Evelyn. Enjoy!

Life as an immigrant has it's ups and downs. Living in a country where you are constantly reminded that you are an immigrant can sometimes be overwhelming.

Being a Nigerian doesn't make it easy as  well. Nigerians are often described as dodgy and fraudulent. Due to no fault of mine, I am Nigerian and I am sometimes judged for being one. I have to earn my respect. I get it sometimes, Nigeria has a bad image and reputation and our government is not doing anything to address this issue.

I was on my way to Palma De Majorca, and when I got to the boarding gate, I presented my passport and visa at the desk. I had to wait for about 10 minutes as my passport and visa details had to be recorded separately. A long queue had formed behind me and another desk had to be opened because of the delay. People were starring at me as if there was something wrong. Anyway, I already knew that was going to happen and I was expecting it.
Everywhere you go these days, it's always one immigration issue or the other. I sometimes sit and ponder. If the Nigerian government looked after her citizens and youths and created opportunities for us, perhaps we wouldn't have sojourned into another country for better opportunities and for a better life. I know I am fortunate and opportuned to have something, but for some, it is a challenge.

When I first moved over to England, I had a difficult time adjusting to the life here. I suffered from 'culture shock' for a long time. So for me, I have paid my dues. This is my home. I have built my life in this country. I have suffered, toiled, laboured and paid my taxes. I have contributed my own fair share. So immigration or no immigration, immigrant or no immigrant, I am here to stay.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Visit to Ndere centre, Kampala

One of the things you must do when in Kampala is to visit the Ndere centre. You will have such an amazing time and get to learn about some of the history and culture of Uganda.

Thursday 19 April 2018

Symbolic mace stolen in Nigerian senate

Check out the video showing how some hooligans stormed the Nigerian upper house of parliament and took the symbolic mace, which represents the legislature's authority.  It has been reported that the mace has since been found under a flyover in the capital, Abuja, police say.

Click on the link to watch the video: moment-mace-is-stolen-in-nigerian-senate

Culled from BBC news.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Yoweri Museveni: The mouth is for eating and not for oral sex

A love letter to the sun

Dear Sun,

I am so happy you finally arrived! I cried with happiness seeing the signs of your arrival.

I missed you so much when you were away and now that you are back, I can't wait to bask in you and feel you!

I love you, Sun! I wish I can have you all year long. Please, make a way so I can be in your presence all year long!

Put your warmth on me and stay, not just linger, but stay all day long.

I love you and look forward to feeling you when I leave this building.

Much love,

Your forever fan.


Monday 16 April 2018