Wednesday 26 May 2010

Getting to know someone!!!!!

Hello everyone!!! Hope you all are having a lovely week? I sure am. I have been busy writing my theses and I am so blessed that my brain is cooperating lol!!! Some days, my brain does not just want to do any work and any thing I do is futile at that moment. OK, I just wanted to share something with you all. This week, I have been getting loads of attention from men as girls do. One gave me his business card and another wanted to get my details.But all in a nice and respectful manner. Well, today, I was waiting for a bus and this guy with gold teeth everywhere like Mike Tyson wannabe just appeared from no where. He sat next to me and said a big hello.I was just not in the mood for any chatting.I was very civil and I said hello back. As I was just about to start reading my magazine, he blurted out that he wanted to get to know me. I said very nicely that I was sorry but I don't want to get to know him as I am a married woman. He flared up that he does not care that I am a married woman. All he is after is to get to know me. He just was so aggressive.He continued his aggression and started screaming and asking me what I define as happiness? I said to him I do not want any further conversation and I went back to my papers. He shouted different things but I just kept quiet. When he got tired, he left.

I was deeply upset by this event and I felt offended that my wishes of being left alone was not respected. The whole thing was distressing. I just left it that the guy has no intelligence on how to engage with strangers. I mean, you are meeting someone for the first time and you are forcing yourself into their lives even with them clearly stating that you are not welcome into their lives. I know some people would think that I am a snub. Why cant I make friend s with a guy even though I am a married woman? Well, for one, I am married. My husband is my best friend. A male friend to me should be in the context of family friend.

And moreover,I love my space and I don't like people barging into my life. I determine who comes into my life and who does not. I am not after making unnecessary friends. I am so blessed that God has blessed me with the friends I have got. Building friendship is a gradual process to me. You don't just force your way into other people's lives. Do you think I should have sat there and engaged this guy in a conversation about myself? As a married person, would you support your partner giving their details to strangers in the name of making friends?

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