Tuesday 21 September 2010

Feeling tired!!!!

I woke up yesterday morning feeling so down, so I decided not to go out and stayed in bed for some TLC. I feel a bit better today and I have not been sneezing as I did yesterday. I think I need a real break from work and uni. Well, my week is packed full with loads of meetings, giving and writing reports . I want to scream sooo much because I don't feel like it now. I really do not have the energy to do all that. I am not the most friendly person now because I am always tired. I put it down to the amount of time I spend in front of the computer writing stuff. Do you have any tips for gaining energy back after a hard day's work? Please help a sister. Have a wonderful week and hope you all are doing great?

New Energy For You!: Rid Yourself of Tiredness For Good,Tiredness Syndrome

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