Tuesday 26 April 2011


I have not been blogging for a long time now. I have been overwhelmed by my research and have been so stressed. I am feeling much better now and I am glad to say that I am back to blogging. Have you heard of the recent killings in Nigeria? Well, it all started because of the election results. Some groups were unhappy, then  took to the streets and started killing their fellow human beings.The question on my mind is why? Why would anyone think that justice is carried out by killing innocent citizens who have nothing to do with the outcome of the elections. When I first heard of the killings, my heart skipped. As you know, I was born and bread in the North of Nigeria where these atrocities are taking place. My family and friends still live in the North. Immediately the news broke, friends started calling me to check if my mum was safe. I was calling all those I knew and the stories I heard were chilling. People were stopped randomly and killed. It turned into a religious and tribal conflict. There were bodies everywhere.The killings spread to other parts of the North with heart breaking stories of how innocent men, women and children were burnt, slaughtered and killed. Friends in the North updated their face book pages to tell of their own account. No food, no water, no electricity, no fuel and just a situation of desperation. I wept for my country. I can understand what they are going through. I witnessed the last Kaduna crisis and I must say it was not a child's play. The thought of death being so close, not knowing when you will be killed or how. The cries of people dying, the smoke of houses burning. I could all see and hear these first hand. No one had to tell me the stories because I lived it. It was one of the scariest things I ever witnessed.

The question "why" would never be answered. The anger many Nigerians feel for those who commit such crimes will never be felt by the perpetrators of these heinous crimes. The government of Nigeria has yet again failed its people. The people that they are supposed to be protecting. There is yet to be a serious condemnation for these atrocities from any government representatives or from those who lost the elections whom these people are killing for. What about justice? What about those who lost their loved ones? The feeling I get is that many Nigerians are not happy with all these unnecessary killings. How do people move on and live with one another after these atrocities? We need serious prayers as a country. Here are few pictures that were circulating on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. It is really painful and distressing. I can imagine what the families of the people who lost their lives and those who are seeking refuge in the barracks are going through.
    This is not the time to celebrate election victories, but rather a time to seek solutions and an end to these riots because they are really uncalled for. This problem needs to be addressed before we gradually become Congo (DRC) and Ivory Coast.
    It is really a pity and may God Help us All.
