Wednesday 27 February 2013

Mothers can't wait to have sex after child birth

Well, there is a research from Australia that reports that  nearly half of new mothers wait just SIX weeks after giving birth before having sex again.  Australian researchers found that 41 per cent tried sex within six weeks of giving birth. It was reported that those who had sex within six weeks of birth were less likely to have undergone surgery or a forceps delivery or suffered an injury such as a cut or a tear during birth. Forty five per cent of women who had a Caesarean section, and 32 per cent of women who had a forceps-assisted birth resumed sex within six week, compared with 60 per cent who had a normal vaginal delivery.

When I had my beautiful daughter, I must say that I could not wait to have sex again.  I had a Caesarean section and within weeks, I was feeling really amorous lol. Obviously I had fears about tearing my stitches but I soon got over that.  In a way, I am among the percentage that had sex within 6 weeks lol!!!

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