Thursday 28 May 2009

State of the Mind!!!!!

I was so shocked to read on the papers that a Manchester United fan in Nigeria intentionally killed four people when he drove his bus into a crowd celebrating Barcelona's victory in the Champions League final. I honestly do not underrate the passion and loyalty that goes with being a supporter of a team. However, I am totally in shock and cannot understand why a human being in his or her right mind would kill others just because their views differ. This is to show that some people have not attained the civilised manner to handle situations. I mean, this is just a game. Many people were hurt their team did not win but did they all go killing others? Why did four people have to die over such trivial matter? I am just shocked beyond words. When others are busy inventing, innovating, looking out for their fellow citizens, some silly person is out there not handling his or her emotions properly. God have mercy!!!!


  1. I have not read the paper yet...but what i want to believe is there might have been another reason that we the readers and even the news paper do not know of yet!!!ofcourse i dont condone killing,it is wrong to kill which ever way u want to look at it...,but mayb its not only the incident of the match that lead to the killings!.

    Alot of scenarios could have lead to could be the road was crowded wit jubilating barcelonian fans who refused to move......,it could be the driver was drunk.... or even on drugs!not being in the right frame of mind to make good judgements....i just find it hard to believe someone would kill not one but FOUR???take away human life just because their team lost???that person must be either insane or a ritualist or have a tormented spirit!!!
    May the souls of the four rest in piece....amen!

  2. its's so sad to hear that things like can actually happen.Nice blog u've got.Thanks for stopping by my page and thanks for your words of encouragement.
