Saturday 22 January 2011

Power of thoughts

I woke up this morning with my thoughts everywhere. Before I knew it, I was already having a pity party. That did not last long because I got myself out of it quickly. Sometimes, I just sit down and think of all the things that have happened to me and all the pains that I have been through and I begin to cry. I must confess that I have asked the questions WHY as well as WHY ME? But I don't dwell on those thoughts for long.My life is full of wonderful things that have happened to me and are still happening to me. In fact, my life is a miracle and I am blessed all round. I have love all around me and I am in a happy place now. I cannot begin to count my blessings because they are just too many. Where I have got some issues is with my mind and thoughts. My thoughts can go sooooo deep. For example, if I feel a slight pain in my body, I begin to think all manner of thoughts. I shared this with a friend from church and she said to me to stand on the word of God . I know it is wrong to just keep questioning God and complaining of any slight pain. I found out I was filled with the spirit of fear which was tormenting me day and night. It got to a time that I could not sleep because of fear and I'd go to the doctors who would do all manner of tests and tell me nothing is wrong with me.

I knew that every time I experienced fear,  it was as a result of what I had read in the papers. I looked back to when I started experiencing pain and it was as a result of what I had read. So, when I read magazines or papers about someone's tragic experience, my thoughts just goes crazy and I begin to think what if it was me, this happened to a fellow human being, and I begin to fear and it begins to affect me. So, last month, I said to myself, if what I read has this massive effect in my life, I must fill my mind with the words of God. I must fill my thoughts with the words of God. So apart from reading my bible, I bought myself a digital radio. So before, I go to bed, I tune into premier station (A Christian station). So, the last thing I hear before I sleep is the word of God. When I wake up, the first thing I want to hear is the word of God. I have since felt liberated. When negative thoughts wants to take over my mind, I subdue it and speak the word of God. When my mind wants to question if there is a God, I chose to believe there is one because I have felt God's love and I'd rather be in God's camp than to be anywhere else. I am happy that I have the wonderful words of God to fall back on. The part I love to quote now is Galatians 6v17 "Therefore let no man trouble me, for I bear in me the marks of CHRIST" What a blessing!!! There are so many things that can affect the mind so I chose to be affected by the words of God which says that I am the apple of God's eyes and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am loved by God and He is always with me, holding me and speaking sweet words to me. I don't want to hear any voice apart from that of my God Almighty!!!! It keeps me safe!!!
Have a fabulous weekend and keep your thoughts clean of all the pollutants out there!!! God bless!!!

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