Thursday 6 April 2017

Meningitis outbreak in Northern Nigeria - God must hate Africa!

There is an outbreak of Meningitis in some Northern Nigerian states which has claimed hundreds of lives. 

According to some reports, there are few or no vaccines in place to curtail this. Then instead of the state governor of Zamfara which is the centre of the outbreak, Abdulaziz Yari, to come up with some intelligent excuse as to why they have not done much about this epidemic, he was reported to have said that the outbreak of Type C meningitis in the country was a direct punishment from God to the people of Nigeria for their various sinful acts.

“People have turned away from God and he has promised that ‘if you do anyhow, you see anyhow’ that is just the cause of this outbreak as far as I am concerned.

“There is no way fornication will be so rampant and God will not send a disease that cannot be cured.”

“The most important thing is for our people to know that their relationship with God is not smooth. All they need to do is repent and everything will be all right”, he said.


One problem that needs to be dealt with now is that Nigerians need more educated leaders who base their knowledge and utterance on scientific facts rather than religious sentiments. Imagine what the families of those who lost loved ones would think. That they are being punished by God, same God that they pray to, has come to punish them for their sins of fornication as if they are the only ones that commit fornication.

Some paper reported that the governor denied saying that but believed that diseases are from God!

More needs to be done in the science and technology sector of Nigeria. Nigerians should be producing these vaccines. They have the knowledge and human resources to do this. They just need a government that could put the right environment for people to invest in the country.

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