Monday 11 December 2017

My cloud bread!

I made some cloud bread yesterday evening. I must say, I am becoming more confident in making this bread. It is so easy to make and if you are living the Keto way of life, is a great snack or meal to chase those hunger pangs away.

I use 3 ingredients to make mine.
I use 3 eggs, 2-3 teaspoon of soft cheese, a teaspoon of baking powder.

I separate the egg yolk from the white. I then add the teaspoon of baking powder to the white and whisk until it is stiff. I set aside. I then mix the egg yolk and soft cheese. Then I gently fold the two mixtures  together. I spoon the mixture on a parchment paper and bake for 15-20 minutes.

 Here is the finished product. Goes well with any cooked meat. I made bacon and sausage sandwich with the bread.