Friday 14 February 2014

Public display of affection on social media this Valentine

How do you fell about public display of affection on social media especially this Valentine's day? Today being Valentine's day I have no doubt that there will be loads of display of affection on facebook, blackberry and so on. Why do people think that we want to know what they did on valentine's day? I know of some lady that posts all the pictures of the dinner and all the things they did for valentine's day. Now, there is nothing wrong in showing some love to your loved ones on social media but to keep hammering on how much you love your spouse ... just makes one sound so desperate for others to validate them. It borders on showing off and insecurity. If you cannot tell your spouse whom you see everyday that you love them to their face and have to go on social media to tell the world how much you love your spouse, isn't that a bit sad? That both of you can sit on a sofa, holding your phones or laptop, not talking to each other but communicating on social media just for some validation from strangers that you indeed have the perfect relationship. 

I mean these show off are a bit tacky if their motivation and intention is to show others that they are in deed better than others in terms of their relationship. So what do these show offs want from those who are on their friends list. A hand of applause? Worship? What? So the singles, divorced, hurting etc on the friends list can see what they are missing? Do they even think of what some of the people on their friends list are going through? Please don't get me wrong. Shout out, scream out how much you love your spouse but do it with a clean intention and not with the motivation to show off and compare yourself to others. You will be surprised that some people that is all they want to do. To show off and get others to put loads of likes, and praise their relationship on how amazing and how better it is than other relationships. 

1 comment:

  1. I know what you are arrivong at Lily. It is only fools that will read what is written on tcar before entering the car. Said and not done. Watch out tHose that flaunt their love affairs on social media are not actually living a blissful love life. They now make up lies to make the world believe that all is blissful to them , whereas they are actullly suffering in their relationshiip.
