Thursday 9 November 2017

BP Monitor

I had a BP monitor fitted for 24 hours. My doctor instructed that I have it fitted for 24 hours and it took less than 10 minutes to fit. I was instructed on what to do when it beeps and I was off on my merry way to work. I got on the train and off the beep went! I was a bit paranoid what people would make of the beep. I had a jacket on to cover the cords but the jacket was not big enough to cover the whole cord and I was scared of what people on the train would make of me beeping with a cable around me. Well, there was no need for that fear as no one really raised an eyebrow. When it was beeping on my way back, the man sat next to me did not make me feel uncomfortable. The nurse assured me that many people would understand that it was a BP monitor and nothing sinister.

Part of my instructions was to stand still or stay still when the beep goes off. I managed to do that on most occasions apart from when I was walking to the train station or to work. Whenever the beep went off, the strap tightened and quite tightly. But it didn't stop me from doing my work or going about my normal day. When it got to bedtime, I thought that it would be an issue but it was not. I found a way to place the cables to allow me to sleep and in fact, that was one of the best nights of sleep I've had in a long time. I did feel the strap tighten but I was enjoying my sleep so much for it to be an issue.

Here are my pictures. I am going to collect my results tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, hope you feel better? Wake up call to take care of ourselves first and better.
