Tuesday 30 March 2010


Hello all, I am going to be asking some personal questions about ovulation and conception. I have done some extensive research on the web about this subject and found that there are numerous guides and articles to give almost every information there is about this subject. But what I am after is the personal experiences which are few online. Well, I will start with my experience. My periods are regular every month but I don't have the normal 28 days many women seem to have.Some months it can be 31 days and other months 40 days. I have not been using ovulation sticks or kits that can help tell if one is ovulating or not. I may have to invest in one of them but pray I don't have to. Ovulation kits are not cheap and can cost a lot so I am asking are there any other signs a woman can use to know when she ovulates? I have heard about temping which is taking one's basal body temperature (first thing in the morning).I may sound silly but which body part is this temperature taken from? I need answers because I need to be educated in this aspect and like many women, I would like to have children some day and ovulation is one of the vital things important in conception.


  1. There is even some iPhone software which can calculate these periods for you. Some statistic is necessary and some data and you have the right answer.

  2. Thanks Szilard. I will have a look at those iphone.

  3. Apart from all this mad science approach,u could go the local route and just observe your body cos there r definately signs,u would not b able to get the exact duration it will last but the sign even if its for a 2mins will b there.u should look out for cravings,tommy aches(mine happens on the right so am relieved everytime the pain passes down to my ass)am like phew its not appendix!it differs wit a number of people so u just observe before u invest in the iphone and stick!mwah!

  4. The temping:u get to insert the tip of the thermometer into the vagina and read normally first thing in the morning!!!
