Tuesday 20 April 2010

Signs of the end of the world?

Hello everyone. I have just been having a conversation with a colleague of mine about the recent happenings around the world. We talked about the earthquakes around the world, volcano eruptions, other disasters taking place and the tremendous human sufferings around the world. My colleague said to me that there is something about these disasters that is sending an undertone message. My question is: Are these signs of the end? Are these warnings that something of another magnitude is on its way? Those who are religious believe these are all signs of the end. My colleague said something that made me laugh. She said something around the lines of not being ready or something in that manner. I answered that if the end comes, then there is nothing to be afraid of or worry about because there is nothing to miss since there will be absolutely nothing. I did not understand myself (lol) but she did look quite intrigued by my answer. So, are you ready for the end? I know some who would say that they want to get married, have children, finish their degrees etc (lol). Do you believe in heaven? I am interested in hearing your views. Meanwhile, have a wonderful day and just enjoy life as God intended!!!!

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