Thursday 11 August 2016

Todays musing: Undeterred attitude towards success!

I have never been shy of hard work. Never been ashamed of my humble beginnings. I am ever grateful to the wonderful men and women who have helped to mould and shaped me into who I am today. My aim is to strive for a better me, to learn more, to advance and to make a positive impact in this world.

I know that achieving one's dreams comes with challenges, is a learning process and has it's highs and lows. I am aware of the characteristics that go with the determination to succeed. It involves tenacity, being stoic and resilience. One of the most important characteristics is never  ever giving up on your dreams no matter how many times you fall. Never being afraid to make mistakes. You learn from them! People are definitely going to mock you, laugh at you, and traduce your name. But you know what?  They are distractions and do not matter.

Do not be afraid to walk alone, to stand up for what you believe in. Do not be afraid of being ostracised by people who do not matter and have never enabled you in any way. 

There will always be those who believe in you and would do all in their power to help you achieve your dreams!

Keep on walking with your head held high. If they laugh, mock, jeer and point fingers at you, let them continue. Have you read the biographies of great men and women? They went through the same and they persevered and never lost focus. 

Most of all, never forget to live life and enjoy the moment.

Have a wonderful day!

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