Thursday 6 March 2008


Hello all, I have managed to write my dissertation abstract and I wanted to share it with you all for comments on what to add and what to take off. Is it too broad, do you have any information on NGOs involved in construction in Nigeria? Any information will help me. Thanks all.


Technology is acknowledged as one of the major determinants of economic growth, and technological deliberation in any given economy plays a vital role in the progress of that nation (Radosevic, 1999). Community based activities permeate into the activities of Non Governmental Organisations (NGO). Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are known for their community development activities like building schools, hospitals, water facilities, road facilities. The objective of this research is to examine the process of technology transfer through NGO’s community development activities. Data used is mostly qualitative from academic journal articles, conference papers, government reports, development magazines and NGO websites. The purpose of the research is to explore links between technology transfer within the context of NGO’s activities and its application in the construction industry in Nigeria. There is a dearth of literature investigating how Non governmental Organisations through community development activities contribute to technology transfer.

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