Friday 7 March 2008

Non governmental Organisations

Hello all, I have written another piece on Non governmental organisations. I would like your thoughts on it.
NGOs’ play a momentous and influential role in almost all sectors of African issues. Their functions extends from natural disaster participation to proposing projects and schemes to aid poorer and marginalised groups in society. They have fought against harmful customs like the female genital mutilation, helped bring awareness on issues of HIV/AIDS, and awareness to the events in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria. In Nigeria, NGOs’ are performing activities that might have been well performed in their absence by government, especially those activities aimed at improving the welfare of the people (Igoe, 2005).
Do you agree? I would like to have your views on this. Have a lovely day.

1 comment:

  1. NGOs in Nigeria are as common as coulod be. Everyone wakes up and wants to start a NGO. This is why the cost of registering an NGO is 10 times that of registering a business with the Corporate Affairs Commision. A lot of folks see it as a means for geenrating extra income and for getting aid from foreign organisations. Most of the NGOs you'll see around deal with the issue of HIV/AIDS and its occurence in Nigeria. HIV/AIDS is the greatest money-spinner in teh world of NGOs. They know foregin organisations will throw many at any HIV cause. What makes HIV quite lucrative is the absence of a cure for the disease. NGOs will keep working with people living with the disease while earning a lot of money on the side. The day a cure is found for HIV,many Nigerian NGOs will close shop. The next frontier is abortion and gay rights. If you see Nigerian NGOs championing such casues, it has nothing to do with a sense of altruism. It's all about the Benjamins
