Wednesday 13 April 2016

Why was the gender and equality opportunities bill in Nigeria rejected?

I honestly did not think that the gender and equality bill would be rejected in Nigeria. I honestly believed that in this era and time, the Nigerian elite in the realm of leadership would be more enlightened and pro progressive. However, my shock was not only because the bill was rejected but also, the reasons given for it's rejection.

What is the bill about? The bill looked to protect Nigerian women from the violence and provide them with the same marital rights as their male counterparts including the rights of widows to inherit their husband's property. Overtly incorporating parts of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the bill declared that women "shall not be subjected to inhuman, humiliating or degrading treatment" and "shall have the right to an equitable share in the inheritance of the property of her husband." It detailed how women should have the right to fully participate in political activities including the right to vote and be eligible for all publicly elected offices without any restrictions.

This is not asking too much is it? It should be standard, basic, the norm.

It was reported that one Senate opponent quoted the Bible in a speech declaring his aversion.

A Muslim senator told the BBC that in Islam, women get a half of men's share in inheritance and it is unacceptable to change this.

Other Muslim senators declared their opposition due to the fact the bill contravenes Sharia law which the Nigerian constitution recognises.

This has just left me speechless!!

Culled from

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