Sunday 19 June 2016

It is Father's day today!!!

What does it mean to be a father? The answer to this question is relative and subjective. Everyone can define it in their own unique way and there is no right or wrong answer. Today is a day dedicated to celebrating all the great dads out there. Today, some will be appreciating the wonderful men in their lives who have acted and taken the role of a father while for others, today is a day that they would rather not be part of.

I celebrate the man in my life for he is exceptional and worthy to be called a 'father'.  I celebrate my father in law, my brothers, my maternal uncles and wonderful friends. I celebrate the single mothers out there who play the role of both father and mother. Today is a day dedicated to all the men and women who effortlessly dedicate their lives not only to their children but also, to people around them.

Today, as in everyday, I remember my father, a great man, a man of great integrity, Ononeyi as he was greatly hailed, a great provider and a wonderful father who is resting in the Lord. I miss him so much!!

Have a wonderful day fathers!!!

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