Thursday 20 October 2016

What does it mean to be empowered?

I have often wondered the reasoning behind the concept of 'empowerment' which is often used in development discourse and especially referring to developing countries. I have often wondered the need to 'empower' communities, girls, 'poor people' etc. Is 'empowering' the right terminology? Who decides who is not empowered and who is influential to 'empower' others. Does it mean the 'empowered' are weak and need someone to 'empower' them? 

What does the term 'empower' mean and who does the empowering? Is empowering an exogenous or endogenous activity, action or exercise?

Does giving money 'Aid' empower people? Does 'Aid' help in fostering innovative inventions and ideas in a political, social, religious and ethnic volatile environment? What about the facilities that should aid in empowering people? What of exclusion from resources and lack of access to facilities and infrastructure?

I am interested in going into the communities in developing countries to explore their own definition of empowerment and what they believe would help them live the life they want to. I want to hear lived experiences!

I want to start with the youth who often do not get heard enough.

Watch out for more concerning this project!

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