Monday 18 February 2008

Population overload

An article on today's paper caught my attention. It was an article that suggests that there are too many people on planet Earth. It states we are about 1.2 billion people too many and if populations continue to grow at present rates, it could cause wars and starvation. On the same article page was another spread on Africa. Child deaths in the continent are reaching an all time high even in rich African countries. From the index, Sub Saharan Africa is the home to 19 of the worst performing countries.

I wonder what African government are doing about these trends in the region. There are many children who are living a life of misery. A high percentage of people in Nigeria or many other countries in Africa are without jobs, have low quality of life. My question is why do we keep giving birth with current situation. I thought there was a time we had a law to limit the maximum number of children in a family to 4. I think it should be further reduced honestly. I think there should be a system whereby, women and men can readily get contraception, advice and education from old ways of thinking that having many children leads to wealth or any other old belief that comes with having lots of children.

In this day of HIV/AIDS, I believe whether married or not, condoms should be a must and other contraception (especially in Africa) No excuses. There are so many idle people in the continent doing nothing, neither innovative nor constructive. We need to give better lives to our children and if we know we do not have the means to have more children, why bring in an innocent life to suffer?

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